Thursday, May 23, 2024

Natural History Museum and Hamilton

Rain was in the forecast today so I switched our reservations from Top of the Rock to the American Museum of Natural History. I was watching the radar closely to time our departure, but the radar was wrong and it was complete downpour when we got to the hotel lobby. Ten minutes earlier would have been perfect. 🤷‍♀️ Since we don’t feel like spending the day in rain-soaked clothes and shoes, we got a Lyft to the subway station. This added a lot of time since everyone else in Brooklyn had the same idea at the same time. But we made it and barely got wet and the subway let us out right in front of the museum. We started with the dinosaur exhibits on the 4th floor. They had tons of fossils and they arranged the exhibits in a way to show what present day animals evolved from each dinosaur species.

When we picked up our museum tickets, we found out that one of the extra ($) attractions was included with our CityPass tickets. We chose the planetarium movie “Worlds Beyond Earth”. This was the highlight of our museum visit.

We exited the movie and walked the Cosmic Pathway down to the ground floor. Caleb would only weigh 16.8 lbs. on the moon. He’s the only one of the group who didn’t like this moon math.

We were museum-ed out by this point so we took a picture with the Blue Whale and Teddy Roosevelt and headed to Grey’s Papaya for hot dogs. They were good and the papaya juice was very tasty.

Our evening plans included a nice dinner and tickets to Hamilton!!!  We went back to the hotel to get cleaned up and we were finally able to see cousin Mallory!!  She was feeling much better so we visited with her for a while before heading to the show.

Dinner was at Tavola Hell’s Kitchen, a recommendation from our friend Bill. He travels often to NYC and had lots of great restaurant recommendations. Since he didn’t offer us his expense account as well, we picked some of the more reasonable options. Tavola is his go-to place and it did not disappoint. The atmosphere, service, and food were all excellent.

We started with Focaccia and Burrata (creamy mozzarella that was amazing spread onto the focaccia). Rodney and I shared the Pappardelle (at Bill’s recommendation) and the kids had Margherita pizza and cacio e pepe. All delicious!

We had some extra time before the show (and no issues with Rodney running to a police precinct this time) so we took another recommendation from Bill and got lattes and warm chocolate chip cookies at Culture Espresso. OMG…so good!

We passed by the New York Times so I took Caleb’s picture at the home of the Wordle. 😜

Next up - Hamilton!!  We were very excited for this and it did not disappoint. It was so good!!

It was just after 10:00PM when we left the theatre and Rodney was concerned about the subway at that hour so he asked a guy working at the theatre if he thought it would be ok. The guy said “Yeah, there’s a good chance you’ll make it home”. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Not exactly the endorsement we were hoping for!  We decided to go for it anyway and we had to walk through Times Square to get to our subway station. This place was crazy. It was bright as broad daylight and packed. Any place that is that alive at 10:00pm is not the place for us. 🤣

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