Monday, May 27, 2024

Movies, Friends, and Cupcakes

The forecast called for rain today and we had accomplished all we wanted in the city so we went to the movies!  We saw Fall Guy and we loved it.  Since it had been out a while, we weren't able to find a theater near our hotel to watch it.  Instead, I found a theater that was very close to a subway stop so that if it was raining we wouldn't have far to run.  We went to the Empire 25 near Times Square.  It was an interesting theater because there were only a few screens on each floor, but it was very tall.  Our theaters back home are quite the opposite.  Twenty years ago, Rodney and I had seen a movie in NYC and were astounded at the outrageous ticket price of $10.  We scored these tickets for $13 each so I think we beat inflation in this calculation.

After the movie, we met our high school friend Donna at Shake Shack.  Donna actually lives in north Dallas, but she used to live in Manhattan and still has an apartment there.  We had lunch with her in NYC 20 years ago too, so I guess it's a tradition now.  She was passing through New York for a few days on her way home from a trip to Paris so we took the opportunity to meet up.  This isn't the first time that we have gotten together in a faraway city with friends who actually live near us yet we rarely see.  Go figure.

Soon we left Manhattan for good and stopped in for a last meal at Junior's in Brooklyn.  I got another lox bagel (although I had hoped for more than 2 on this trip) and we shared a "hostess" cupcake for dessert.

We spent the rest of the night packing up and getting to bed early for our flight the next morning (which ended up being delayed 2 hours because of weather...ugh).  All in all, it was a good trip but none of were sad to leave or eager to return.  I'm glad we got this taste of city life, but a week was enough for us (probably 1-2 days too long if I'm honest).  We're all ready for the beach now!  Haha!

Some final thoughts:

  • We had heard a lot of horror stories about the subway before we came, but our experience was good.  We rode the subway every day and had no issues or scary moments.  Whew!
  • We were going to buy a 7-day metro card for the trip, but there was no need!  The new OMNY system that they have allowed us to use ApplePay on our phones to pay for our rides and it caps your spending if you spend the amount of a 7 day pass within 7 days.  It's a win-win!  We designated a credit card as an Express Transit card on each of our phones and we didn't even have to unlock our phones to pay.  Easy peasy!
  • Right away, we set up a system with our family so that anytime we passed through a subway turnstile or train door one parent would go first, then both kids, then the other parent.  We didn't want any kids getting trapped alone on a subway platform as the train rolls away!
  • New York City has the cutest dogs on earth.  Every single dog we saw was beautifully groomed and super happy.  Big dogs, little dogs, fluffy dogs, hairless dogs...all cute and happy!
  • Marijuana is legal in New York and everywhere you go smells of weed.  Everywhere.
  • We lucked out with the weather.  It had been rainy before we got here, but only about 2 half days of rain during our trip.  Home, on the other hand, had major severe storms the entire time we were gone.  We picked a good week!
  • As crowded as everything was while we were here, I really think it was a slow week in the city.  I had made reservations at restaurants and attractions and almost all of them were unnecessary.  I even switched around several reservations (some more than once) and it was never an issue getting in.  I can't even imagine what it is like during the busy times like summer and Christmas.
  • The food was amazing.  I regret not getting a chance to try out some of the favorites of the King family like Los Tacos No 1 and Ess-a-Bagel, but I'm sure I could spend my whole life in this city and still not have enough time to sample all the great food.
  • We walked almost 60 miles during our week in NYC.  Our shoes were all filthy by the end of the trip and our feet hurt every day.
  • One day, Caleb asked me "Why does the subway smell like pee?".  Ummmm...

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